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Holy Sh@rk! New Piece by Thomas Wolski

Holy Sh@rk!

A new piece here that I started months ago, finally finished at the end of last week. Not because it took so long, just that I like to have a few projects on the go at the same time.

I used up to 14 layers of acrylic to get the block colour that I was after. this photograph was taken a couple of years ago on Brighton pier when visiting a friend, we had a stroll along the front and my eye caught this little fella.I have never wanted a seagull to stay still so much in my life, the image that I wanted was captured. It was not a particularly warm day but beautiful and sunny so the light was perfect late afternoon.

For the final piece I guess I was inspired by the poster underneath, “a little bit of promotion for the restaurant”. Also the large area of vacant background crying out for a prop (aka my sh@rk). Unlike many of my other pieces the idea for this one was not instant, rather there seemed to be a perfect scenario waiting for a little bit of Wolski magic haha…..I pinned this one up on to a board for a few days and the story followed as I like to call it. It was a pleasure to do with a big bang of blue, really strong and fun.

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